April 22, 2020 – Lowell Conservation Commission Meeting tonight April 22

Below is a request from the Lowell Parks & Conservation Trust, a group who has been working with the Friends of the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail to expand the trail more into Lowell.

“I want to draw your attention to an upcoming Conservation Commission meeting on April 22nd.  One of 3 agenda items is a request by  Gervais Volkswagen to extend their Order of Conditions for their project, approved in May 2017. 

This project has a Special Condition #1 (noted in agenda http://lowellma.gov/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Agenda/_04222020-1554): A maximum of ten feet (10′.) of additional pavement, with the appropriate fencing, shall be allowed to accommodate the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail. A significant component of the Gervais dealership expansion would provide parking along River Meadow Brook.  Through the planning board process, Mr. Gervais agreed to provide an easement alongside this parking area to extend Bruce Freeman Rail Trail into Lowell.  This easement has never been registered with the Registry of Deeds and the project has been delayed now for nearly three years. 

The City of Lowell has secured funding to design and construct the remaining portion of the trail extension under the Lowell Connector, beyond the dealership expansion.  The city has also recently hired a contractor carry out this project. 

This is a great time to show community interest in ensuring that trail connectivity continues to expand in Lowell. 

Please participate in the meeting through one of the following modes: 

1. Call 978-674-6174 and Enter the Conference ID #918-615

2. Have the conference line call you: https://voice.dsci-net.com/meet-memoderator/callmenow/index.jsp?join=BR_9786746174%40lowellma.gov*9786741424@lowellma.gov*OTE4NjE1&country=US&language=en

3. Watch LTC Channel 99

4. Watch online at: www.ltc.org/watch/channel-99

The meeting agenda may be viewed here http://lowellma.gov/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Agenda/_04222020-1554

On behalf of the Lowell Parks & Conservation Trust, thank you for your support of extending the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail into Lowell.  I look forward to joining you on the call on Wednesday (Earth Day!), April 22, 7pm.”

The Friends of the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail encourages supporters from Lowell to participate in this meeting.