Concord Town Meeting (begins on April 4th) to Vote on BFRT Articles

Although Concord’s 100% design is in its final stages, we need your vote at Town Meeting this week to ensure that it continues to meet the schedule for the construction bid this fall. Note that the Right of Way article requires a 2/3 affirmative vote.
Article 20, which will appropriate Community Preservation Funds to 16 projects, includes a request of $125,000 to be used to complete the 100% design plan of Phase 2C, including acquisition of easements, leasehold, license and/or other real property interests of the land in Concord.
Article 57, BFRT Phase 2B, authorizes $250,000 from the Town Manager’s five-year capital plan for completing the design and engineering of Phase 2B, that portion of the trail over Rte. 2 that will connect the trail from Acton (Phase 2A) with the trail in Concord (Phase 2C).
Article 58, Land Acquisition for BFRT right-of-way, authorizes the Select Board to expend up to $25,000 to acquire permanent and temporary easements for construction and maintenance of the trail in Concord.
Article 59, BFRT Easements over Town land, authorizes the Select Board to grant or deed easements over Town-owned land for the long-term use as a rail trail.
Articles 57, 58, and 59 are the final three warrant articles for this year’s Town Meeting.
Please plan to stay for these important votes.
Thank you once again for your support for the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail.

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