New murals adorn the wall of the Art Walk at Cushing Place! The original murals were showing the effects of age and weather with peeling paint and warped boards, so last year it was decided to replace them. The original artist, Markus Lewis, painted new murals that include a new one depicting the 4th of July parade/road race over years and is the only one with color. The murals reflect images from the Chelmsford Historical Society depicting local landmarks, events, and people. They were mounted on the wall at the end of October and look excellent!
The original set of murals included a display mural for donors to the BFRT to have personal plaques mounted. Those donor plaques were removed and will be replaced, at no additional cost to the donors, with engraved bricks which have a longer lifespan. The bricks will be installed at either the kiosk or the bench area at Cushing Place. In the interim, the content of the plaques will be reproduced and posted at the kiosk. This project is being coordinated by the Chelmsford Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC). Any inquiries about the plaques can be sent to info@brucefreemanrailtrail.org.
The whole project was a collaborative effort, and there are many people to thank, most especially Cindy McLain, a former FBFRT Board member. Without her connection with Markus Lewis, the artist, and her expertise on the first installation, this could not have been accomplished. So we offer a big Thank You to Cindy.
This program is supported in part by a grant from the Chelmsford Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency. Additional funding was supplied by the FBFRT. We also thank the group that installed the new murals, for their donated time, energy, materials, and tools. Those individuals are Don McCaul, Carl Hunnewell, Ron Gibson, John Cronin, George Edwards, and Charlie Wotjas. We owe thanks to the businesses that supported our efforts: The Chelmsford Lumber Company, Grist Mill Condominiums, NorthernBank and Trust Company, and Colorworks Paint and Decorating Center.
For all their help with the mural boards, we thank Tom Gazda (Chelmsford BPAC member). Bob Morse (formerChelmsford BPAC member), Dennis McNurland (FBFRT Board member) and Sharon Galpin (FBFRT Board member).Thanks to all for contributing to this project and its successful completion!