Sudbury Town Meeting approved all four articles needed for final approval of the trail.
Below is a description of the articles.
Articles 19 and 20 are for construction easements, which are necessary for construction
to begin.
Article 19: One-time funding, estimated to be up to $15,000 in total, for temporary
construction easements across privately owned land or non-town owned land to allow
for construction of the BFRT. No taking of private land is needed.
This is a 2/3 majority vote Article. Select Board supports Article 19.
Article 20: Needed for the Town to allow construction access, that is an easement,
across Town owned land to construct the BFRT. Minimal (if any) cost to the Town.
This is a majority vote Article. Select Board supports Article 20.
Upon passage of Articles 19 and 20, the Town will be able to sign the lease documents
with MassDOT and request a Right of Way Certificate which will clear the way for
construction to begin. At that point MassDOT will be able to advertise the project for
construction bids. If all goes well, groundbreaking could take place in late summer or
early fall, though more likely early 2023.
There are two articles sponsored and supported by the Sudbury Community Preservation
Committee (CPC) on the 2022 Town Meeting Warrant. Approval of these articles will not
increase taxes because the funds exist and are being held by CPC for recommended uses.
Article 47: To allow up to $500,000 in spending, for items which may not be paid for by the
Mass. Dept. of Transportation (MassDOT), such as rest area structures, utility connections,
hydration stations, interpretative signs, and play structures for children. These
complimentary amenities would substantially enhance accessibility, safety, comfort, and use
of the rail trail and nearby athletic facilities. It would raise the BFRT rail trail to a new level.
This is a majority vote Article. Select Board supports Article 47.
Article 48: This article supports initial development of the rail trail corridor south of Union
Ave. Sudbury citizens voted last year to purchase this land from CSX, to extend the Bruce
Freeman Rail Trail southwards. This article supports the first steps in this process, especially
linking the current construction project to the intersection with Rt 20.
This is a majority vote Article. Select Board supports Article 48.