Message from:
Glenn Davison
Volunteer Organizer of Volunteers
Chelmsford Town Cleanup
Join us in cleaning up our town by removing the roadside trash that has accumulated over the winter. Help to make Chelmsford a beautiful town. Please pick up litter from your street, park, or any area that needs it.
Gloves and yellow bags are available from the DPW. Put bags out with your trash & report large items to the DPW. You can also drop yellow bags near an intersection and leave a message at for pick-up by Green Lawn or call 508-958-4116.
Date: Saturday, April 21, 2018
Time: Throughout the day
Where: All roads and parks
What: Town Litter Cleanup
Get yellow bags and gloves from the Recycling & Solid Waste office: 9 Alpha Road, Chelmsford Monday-Friday 8am till 4pm
For more information: or 978-250-5203
Frequently asked questions:
Where should I clean? Clean the roads near where you live. We are not tracking who cleans which streets or parks. If a road is clean, just move to another location.
I’m busy that Saturday, what should I do? It’s important that we remove the trash. Feel free to pick up trash at a time that is convenient for you.
Can my kids clean too? Yes, but please keep them safely off busy roads. Consider cleaning parks and paths instead.
Where can I get bags? They are available from the Department of Public Works, 9 Alpha Road, Chelmsford Monday through Friday 8am – 4pm.
Once the bags are full what should I do with them? Place them out with your weekly garbage for collection.
When can I pick up bags? 8am-4pm, Monday through Friday, 9 Alpha Road, Chelmsford.
What if I see a tire on the side of the road? Please report all large items to the DPW at 978-250-5270.
What if I see a pothole? Please report it using SeeClickFix