Speak Out
Attending your annual town meeting is a great way to support the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail efforts and very important action to make sure the trail is funded and gets built.
Use your vote to support the BFRT!
On Monday night April 4 2005, Sudbury and Acton started their Annual Town Meetings. Each Town has a vote on whether Community Preservation Act (CPA) funds should be allocated to the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail (BFRT) on their Town Warrant. In Sudbury it was $25,000 to conduct a Feasibility Study. In Acton it was $75,000 to work on initial tasks instrumental to the design process. Both articles passed: in Acton unanimously, in Sudbury after a long debate and close vote.
In Acton, the Board of Selectmen, the Planning Committee, the Transportation Committee, the Land Stewards, and, of course, the Community Preservation (Act) Committee have all given their formal or informal support.
There will be other meetings, committee meetings, public meetings, and more opportunitues to publicaly show your supports for the BFRT. Join the FBRFT and keep informed.
Another way to Speak Out is to contact your state and local reps know that you’re in favor of the rail trail and ask them to support funding and other state level activities to move these projects ahead.