Town of Framingham, Massachusetts
The Town of Framingham EDIC is undertaking a planning and market analysis study focused on a strategic economic development plan for the village commercial centers of Saxonville and Nobscot in North Framingham. The strategic economic development plan is focused on identifying actions that will lead to investment in both Saxonville and Nobscot. The study focuses on an area approximately one quarter mile from the main intersection of both village commercial centers.
This work is an implementation effort that was recommended in the Master Land Use Plan that was adopted by the Town in 2012. This study is to provide a comprehensive understanding of market forces and opportunities within each village commercial center and create an urban design vision to guide public sector decisions including zoning revisions, public investment and engagement with private sector owners and developers. The strategic plan looks to answer three basic questions for Saxonville and Nobscot:
•What should the village commercial center be?
•How should it look?
•How do we get there?
The Town of Framingham solicited requests for proposals for professional assistance by a land use planning, economic development and urban design consultant to lead this effort. The Cecil Group, a planning and design firm located in Boston, was selected with their economic development subconsultant FXM Associates.
The consultant team will seek input from the community to better understand the issues and opportunities of the study areas and to identify a shared community vision for the village centers to help shape economic development strategies. This public outreach will include stakeholder interviews, presentations at EDIC regular meetings, and three public meetings in each village center.
The planning study is expected to be complete by the end of June 2015. The following schedule provides expected timeframes for key milestones in the planning process:
•Initial Public Meetings- February 2015
•Alternative Approaches Public Meetings- April 2015
•Final Public Meetings- June 2015