Author: admin

Sunday November 24, 2013 – Friends of the BFRT Annual Meeting

Come celebrate an extraordinary year of progress for the BFRT! After a brief business meeting and update on the “Bring the Trail to Sudbury” campaign, we will visit the future site of the East Acton Village Green abutting Icehouse Pond.

Walkable Communities Expert Mark Fenton to speak in Acton on November 21st

Join us on Thursday, November 21st at 2:00 pm for Creating Healthy Communities with Designs that Stick. Learn how to build a healthy community with Walkable Communities Expert, Mark Fenton. This event is co-sponsored by Community Health Network Area 15

Portion of Trail Closed: September 20-26, 2013 Chelmsford

A portion of the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail in Chelmsford between Blaisdell Drive/Chelmsford Swim and Tennis Club area and Maple Road will be FULLY CLOSED from Friday September 20th through Thursday September 26th between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM each

Summer Supplement Newsletter is now available

Latest news about Phase 2 Construction and Trail amenities in Westford. Download the Summer 2013 Supplement

Sudbury Board of Selectman Candidates Responses

Sudbury Voters and Interested Parties, The Board Friends of the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail (FBFRT) decided to ask the Sudbury Board of Selectmen (BOS) candidates for the June 25, 2013 special election two very specific questions to elicit their stance

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Next 3 Phases of the Trail Recommended for Construction!

Almost $24 million in construction funds for Phases 2A, 2B, and 2C have been recommended by the Boston Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) over the next four years. The Draft 2014-2017 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) released in May for public comment

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Phase 2 Update Concord

Two portions of Phase 2 of the rail trail are entirely or mostly in Concord: the crossing of Route 2 from Acton to Concord (Phase 2B) and the main portion of the trail through West Concord to the Concord/Sudbury town

November 2012 Update | Phase 2 Westford, Carlisle, Acton

In late October 2012 the 75% design plans for Phase 2A (Westford, Carlisle, and Acton), thus adhering to the schedule for the project to be advertised for construction in fiscal year 2014. The bulk of the work was completed by

2012 Rail Trail Counts

Trail count information from May and September is now available. Many thanks to all who volunteered for this event. Details Here

Fence Openings, Chelmsford, MA

Thanks to Ken Dews, FBFRT member and volunteer, direct access is now available from the BFRT to Zesty’s Pizza, Subway sandwich shop, and neighboring businesses. Two handicapped-accessible openings were installed in June. A big thank-you to Ken and to those
