About MemberClicks
The FBFRT has partnered with MemberClicks, Inc, (www.memberclicks.com) a leader in the field of web based membership management solutions, and set-up a centralized, secure web-based database. More information on MemberClicks security practices is available here.
By leveraging MemberClicks web-based membership technology we have upgraded our website to allow you to:
- Review and edit your personal contact data
- Review and edit your communication preferences (e.g., preference to receive the bi-annual newsletter via e-mail, ground mail, or not at all. We encourage you chose to receive your newsletter via e-mail to save trees, energy and money).
- Initiate or renew membership dues online via credit card
- Make donations to the FBFRT via credit card
This new functionality will allow the FBFRT to more effectively manage and communicate with all our members and contacts keeping them (and you) informed of FBFRT activities.